Well after a lovely quiet Xmas we are just finding our feet again and entering into sensible eating and upping our fitness levels to combat the lazy few days we have all had…. Hoping it was a great one for everyone !!



So we have had 5 new dogs arrive into the rescue this month…. Hope a beautiful saluki x pointer, that is the most shutdown dog we have had into rescue, plenty of slow work to be done with this girl, but she is a stunner…Bambi, a bundle of puppy joy,  given up because she was too much too handle (i.e she is just a normal puppy !)….The gorgeous tri coloured Maggie, real striking girlie and finally another beaut, Primrose, saved from the pound literally hours from her pts time….Pheww lucky girlie…






The secure paddock now has a shelter, too keep us humans dry from the elements and out of the wind, whilst the dogs zoom around !! 

A massive thank you again to Lee Bradley from Bradgate Fencing, Huntingdon, for coming down for the day and working flat out to build it from scratch and lay the concrete base , all in one day, now that is what I call impressive !!!










 A new wonderful guy called Graham Waugh who did the most amazing , generous very long trip to urgently save Primrose from being pts at a pound and has now become a Lozza Lurcher Laddie, welcome on board you amazing man !!! Thank you x


So just one little girlie out the door this month onto her forever sofa…..The super BAMBI…Homed with a young family and a cat that wants a  puppy to be trained around the cat and to enhance their family life,  what a lucky girlie she is !!



I braved the elements this month to do some much needed fundraising and manned the Charity car park at Welwyn Garden City , thanks always to Carol Senior who allows the rescue a well sought after slot to do this. It was a slow day, not suprising really with the weather but just under £70 was raised, which is still fab amount download (1)