So with the recent annual auction that raised an amazing £1600 for the rescue, I decided that I would put some of the money towards a very much needed training barn. 

The barn will house all the Tellington TTouch ground work equipment that is used on all our dogs to mainly promote confidence and for specific training needs, like pulling, reactivity on a lead etc .

Currently we have no area we can use that it can permanently reside and not get wet when the weather is unkind to us….It also uses up  precious time setting it up and dismantling it all so this dedicated barn would eliminate that.  

Some of the equipment we use....



So although we have limited space to work with, it was still deemed an important feature that would benefit all the rescue dogs and a viable project.

So here is the area (July 2015) that has been cleared ready for work to commence… It is being done by the fab Lee Bradgate of Bradgate Fencing, the wonderful company that did all the paddock fencing. Lee is giving up his very rare spare days to do the work, so the rescue cannot thank him enough for being so generous with his time….


After day one ….the posts are all concreted in and ready for the next stage…


 After day two, the roof beams have been put in place and the shiplap boarding has started to be nailed on…I couldn’t resist the plant pots already !! 


After day three, we have more timber put up and some perspex windows put in, its now beginning to take shape..





Day Four with the mean machine Lee working flat out as always . We have all the windows in and half a door !! Just one more day now and it should be finished.  







Sadly this took us over our budget and we had to wait several months before we could finish the project , but alas, it has happened and now it is time for the roof to go on !!




Complete the double door…




Now the flooring needs to be put in…Get ready with your sunglasses !!







Finally we have the equipment in and the pictures to give it a homely feel…

Thank you so very much to all the supporters that helped towards the costs and a special thank you to Nancy Wilson-Smith who contributed a large amount via her sponsored walk…You guys all rock !! xx





